Doña Trump: Featured Press
Since the announcement of his campaign for POTUS Donald Trump has stuck to his brand. That of being a draconian sensationalist with celebrity appeal. While on the campaign trail Trump criticizes and oftentimes outright attacks persons whom have any opinion opposing those formulated outside of his cranium which is so wonderfully decorated with a toupée.
Trump's rhetoric regarding foreign policy which includes his plan to round up illegal immigrants throughout the nation & send them back where they came along with with the idea to create a (Berlin esce) wall between the boarders U.S. and Mexico has left a sour taste for some, especially those within minority groups in this nation.
Oftentimes it seems Trump is just spewing words out of his voice hole for attention. Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth, Trumps proposed policy is resonating with a large group of Americans. Those whom safe to assume have little to no interaction outside of their own racial and ethnic group.
This would be domestic policy inspired M. Tony Peralta to put a spin on The Donald. Thus, Doña Trump - Come Mierda Con Rolos.The piece was made to address the nonsense that is "The Donald" reminding the people that he is a joke & should not be taken seriously. Addressed? Yes. However, no energy should be wasted on a man stuck in the past.
Images of the Doña have spotted up throughout Manhattan these last couple of weeks. Here we have a few write ups by various media outlets whom chosen to share their thoughts on M. Tony Peralta's latest remix.
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El Diario NY:
Brooklyn Street Art: